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Loctite adhesives&sealants
Loctite adhesives&sealants
Instant adhesives
Instant adhesives
Thread sealants
Thread sealants
Retaining compound
Retaining compound
Flange sealants
Flange sealants
Structural adhesive
Structural adhesive
Epoxy adhesive
Epoxy adhesive
Loctite SF Primer/activator
Loctite SF Primer/activator
Loctite PC series
Loctite PC series
Potting compound
Potting compound
Technomelt adhesives
Technomelt adhesives
Teroson adhesives
Teroson adhesives
Threadlocker Loctite 242 50ml 250ml
Threadlocker Loctite 222 50ml
Threadlocker Loctite290 50ml
Threadlocker Loctite 277 50ml250ml
Threadlocker Loctite272 50ml 250ml
Threadlocker Loctite271 50ml 250ml
Threadlocker loctite 270GN 250ml
Threadlocker Loctite 268 19g
Threadlocker Loctite 263 50ml 250ml
Threadlocker Loctite 262 50ml 250ml
Threadlocker Loctite 248 19g
Threadlocker 243 50ml 250ml
Flange sealant 515 50ml
Flange sealant 510 300ml
Flange sealant 510 50ml
Loctite Primer SF7649 4.5oz
Loctite accelerator SF7452 1.75oz for instant adhesive fast cure
Loctite Acrylic accelerator SF7387 1.75oz for acrylic adhesives
Loctite Acrylic accelerator SF7387 1.75oz for acrylic adhesives
Loctite Acrylic accelerator SF7387 1.75oz for acrylic adhesives
Loctite General purpose cleaner SF7365 400ml for cleaning
Loctite General purpose cleaner SF7365 400ml for cleaning
Loctite General purpose cleaner SF7365 400ml for cleaning
Loctite Cleaner SF7070 15oz for cleaning
Loctite Cleaner SF7070 15oz for cleaning
Loctite Cleaner SF7063 400ml for cleaning
Loctite Cleaner SF7063 400ml for cleaning
Loctite Primer SF770 1.75oz activator for Cyanoacrylat surface primer
Loctite Conveyor Belt Repair 400ml repair glue
Loctite Conveyor Belt Repair 400ml repair adhesive
Loctite PC7319 Chemical Resistant Coating PC7319 5kg Loctite PC 7319 A/B Chemical Resistant Coating
Loctite PC7227 Brushable ceramic Grey PC7227 2kg AB component ceramic-reinforced epoxy
Loctite PC 7227 Brushable ceramic Grey PC7227 2kg AB glue Henkel ceramic-reinforced epoxy
Loctite PC7227 Brushable ceramic Grey PC7227 2kg two part ceramic-reinforced epoxy
Loctite PC7227 Brushable ceramic Grey PC7227 2kg ceramic and silicon carbide filled solvent-free coating
Loctite Brushable ceramic Grey PC7227 2kg protecting equipment from corrosion and wear
Loctite PC7226 Penu-wear PC7226 henkel
Henkel Loctite 648 50ml green liquid anaerobic-curing retaining compound for bonding cylindrical fitting parts
Henkel loctite 648 10ml Retaining compound green liquid retanning compound for bonding cylindrical fitting parts. Even for slightly oily surfaces
Henkel loctite 641 50ml Retaining compound medium-strength or bonding cylindrical fitting parts, particularly where regular servicing is needed
Henkel Loctite 638 250ml green liquid high strength Retaining compound bonding cylindrical fitting parts, particularly with narrow bond gaps up to 0.25mm
Henkel loctite 638 50ml green liquid glue Retaining compound adhesive for bonding cylindrical fitting parts
Henkel Loctite 620 250ml green liquid Retaining compound High strength, high-temperature resistant bonding of cylindrical parts
Henkel Loctite 620 50ml green liquid glue Retaining compound for bonding cylindrical fitting parts, particularly where high strength with high temperature resistance is required
Henkel loctite 620 10ml Retaining compound green liquid for bonding cylindrical fitting parts
Henkel Loctite 609 50ml green liquid Retaining compound adhesive for bonding cylindrical fitting parts
Henkel loctite 603 250ml green liquid retaining compound for bonding cylindrical fitting parts, such as bearings, bushings, and shafts
Henkel loctite 603 50ml green liquid Retaining compound adhesive for bonding cylindrical fitting parts, bearings, bushings, shafts
Henkel loctite SI 5699 95g silicone sealant Flange sealant excellent oil and water-glycol resistance for rigid flange sealing
Henkel loctite SI 5140 85g silicone sealant Potting compound silicone compound for potting, coating, sealing
Henkel Loctite SI5970 300ml silicone sealant Oil-resistant gasketing sealant Flange selant
Henkel loctite SI5920 300ml silicone sealant low strenth Flange selant for high temperature gasketing
Henkel loctite SI5900 300ml silicone sealant Flange sealant gasketing product suitable for various substrates Good resistance to oil and joint movement.
Henkel loctite SI5607 400ml silicone sealant elsastic Adhesive 2-part silicone for bonding and sealing
Henkel loctite SI598 300ml silicone sealant Flange sealant Black, flexible, RTV silicone sealant with excellent motor-oil resistance
Henkel loctite SI 598 95g silicone sealant Flange sealant Pasty, 1-part, silicone adhesive sealant motor-oil resistance
Flange sealant SI596 300ml silicone sealant
Instant adhesive495 20g
Instant adhesive 498 20g
Instant adhesive 496 20g
Instant adhesive 500g
Instant adhesive 20g
Instant adhesive 460 20g
Instant adhesive 454
Instant adhesive 435 20g
instant adhesive 425 HS 20g
Instant adhesive 416 20g
Instant adhesive 415 20g
Instant adhesive 414 20g
Instant adhesive 406 20g 500g
Instant adhesive403 20g
Instant adhesive 402 20g
Instant adhesive 401 50g
Instant adhesive 401 20g 50g 500g
Thread sealant 586 50ml
Thread sealant 577 250ml pipe sealant
Thread sealant 577 50ml pipe sealant
Thread sealant 572 50ml
Thread sealant 569 50ml
Thread sealant 567 250ml
Thread sealant 567 50ml
Thread sealant 565 250ml
Thread sealant 565 50ml
Thread sealant545 250ml
Thread sealant 549 250ml
Thread sealant 545 50ml
Thread sealant 542 50ml
Flange sealant SI 596 95g silicone sealant
Flange sealant SI587 95g
Flange sealant SI587 300ml silicone sealant
Flange sealant SI587 85g silicone sealant
Flange sealant SI207 300ml silicone sealant
Flange sealant
Flange sealant573 250ml
Flange sealant 518 300ml
Flange sealant 518 50ml
Flange sealant 515 300ml
Henkel loctite 680 250ml green, high strength, anaerobic-curing retaining compound for the assembly and attachment of cylindrical fitting parts
Henkel loctite 680 50ml Retaining compound green liquid arylic for slip fitted parts, and also works on inactive surfaces
Henkel loctite 660 50ml Retaining compound high viscosity, high-strength retaining compound is ideal for use on badly worn seats, keys, splines, bearings or tapers without re-machining
Henkel Loctite 648 250ml low viscosity, high strength, anaerobic-curing retaining compound for bonding cylindrical fitting parts
Henkel Loctite AA3342 1L Structural adhesive yellow-opaque, 2-step, no-mix, structural acrylic adhesive used for high temperature magnet bonding
Henkel Loctite AA332 300ml Structural adhesive fast curing for high temperature magnet bonding
Henkel Loctite AA330 300ml Structural adhesive acrylic-based adhesive is ideal for metal-to-metal bonding as well as bonding dissimilar substrates like PVC, phenolic and acrylic compounds
Henkel Loctite AA326 50ml Structural adhesive fast cure high shear strength medium-viscosity acrylic adhesive for magnet bonding
Henkel Loctite AA324 50ml transparent, acrylic structural adhesive liquid for bonding flat parts together, joining dissimilar materials,metal-to-metal bonding
Loctite Epoxy adhesive EA9497 400ml grey, 2-part, medium viscosity, high performance epoxy adhesive offering high temperature resistance thermal conductivity.
Loctite Epoxy adhesive EA 3478 500g 2-part, ferro-silicon filled epoxy resin system extremely resistantance for corrosion, chemical attack abrasion.
Loctite EA E-120HP 400ml Epoxy adhesive Multi-substrate adhesive for superior thermal shock resistance
Loctite EA E-120HP 50ml Epoxy adhesive 2-part industrial-grade adhesive for Bonding plastic,Structural bonding
Henkel Loctite EA E-60NC 50ml Epoxy adhesive black, opaque, 2-part, flowable, industrial grade epoxy liquid potting compound
Henkel Loctite EA E-60HP 50ml Epoxy adhesive High-performance industrial-grade epoxy adhesive with extended work life
Henkel Loctite EA E-30CL 50ml Epoxy adhesive Low viscosity, multi-substrate adhesive for potting applications
Epoxy adhesive Loctite EA 11C 113.3g Epoxy black 2-part adhesive for general purpose applications involving metal, plastic, or wood substrates
Henkel Loctite EA 1C 113.3g Epoxy adhesive 2-part adhesive for general purpose applications involving metals, most plastics, or wood, especially in extreme environments
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